Sunday 25 June 2017

Sunday Stuff

It was a good service this morning. We talked a bit about missionaries to day, mostly that we are considering supporting (or helping support) a missionary heading over to Japan. We also had a short video about the pastor training academy we help support in the Philippines. We're still a pretty young church, but we're starting to get more involved in evangelism and missions, and that's good.

Today was the church picnic, but I missed it to spend time with my brother. He lives a couple hours away and occasionally comes into the city and we have supper together or something. It's a nice chance to catch up and build our relationship. I like having family this close. Now if I can just get the rest to move out this way! My dad, my sister, and a couple of the kids are coming out this way in a month or so; maybe I can convince them to stay.

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