Sunday 9 July 2017

Sunday Stuff

It's hot. It has been so very, very hot lately, and even with the fan, I have not been sleeping well. The good news is, the A/C at the church had been fixed; last week it was broken, and had it still been broken today, we may have all roasted. On the other hand, there is a severe thunderstorm watch. I like thunderstorms.

After the service, I was up in the library, getting some of the new books shelved. There were a couple small children running through the library, shrieking (they all seemed to be in a very shrieky mood today). After telling them to stop and chasing them out once, I decided to return a couple of them to their parents. The one small guy ran from me...right to his mom to tell her that Miss Dorothy was coming. He doesn't quite realize yet that her response is to ask why Miss Dorothy is coming. That worked out well, especially since his dad came from the other direction (I think he had been up in the balcony, which is just off the library, and had seen/heard what was happening), and had him tell me that he was sorry for running and screaming. He agreed not to run or scream in the library again.

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