Saturday 16 September 2017

Bits of Stuff

Sunday School starts tomorrow. I think I'm ready. I'm not even teaching this year (except tomorrow, to cover for the teachers who are still on vacation) and I still feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I needed to do to get ready. It's probably best that I'm taking the year off of teaching! I'm actually using the year to train teachers, and to get more structure in the program. The best news is that we have substitute teachers now, so I won't even have to fill in that often.

The other day I was had a small student reading a sentence. It started "The rules..." which he read "The reptiles..."! I stopped him and had him actually look at the word, so he stared at it, and then tried decoding, and came up with "letters". How? How do you get from reptiles to letters anyway? He said that he forgot about the first r in the word.

I am loving the cooler weather. The temperature drops nicely at night, and hovers in the mid-teens during the day. Fall makes me happy.

Today I made soup and a rice-and-sausage casserole. I also made grape juice because the grapes weren't good for eating (they were sweet, but the peel was not nice, and I was not going to peel all my grapes). I need to let it sit over night and then strain it again, so I'm not sure how it turned out.

It is 25 days until vacation. I plan to stay home and relax and maybe get stuff done.

Life is nice right now.

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